Jean-Paul Rwabihama
GériatrePraticien HospitalierPhD
Enseignants chercheurs
Service de Gériatrie, Hôpital Joffre-Dupuytren, AP-HP, Draveil
Jean Paul RWABIHAMA est Expert judiciaire à la Cour d'Appel de Paris depuis 2016 et Professeur associé de Gériatrie à la faculté de médecine de l'Université du Rwanda depuis 2018
Thèmes de recherche :
- Réévaluation des traitements du sujet âgé
- Droits des patients âgés
- Ethique de la recherche biomédicale
Martinez-Tapia C, Laurent M, Paillaud E, Caillet P, Ferrat E, Lagrange J-L, Rwabihama J-P, Allain M, Chahwakilian A, Boudou-Rouquette P, Bastuji-Garin S, Audureau E. Predicting Frailty and Geriatric Interventions in Older Cancer Patients: Performance of Two Screening Tools for Seven Frailty Definitions-ELCAPA Cohort. Cancers (Basel). 2022;14(1).
Rwabihama J-P, Belmin J, Rakotoarisoa DRozier, Hagege M, Audureau E, Benzengli H, Ambime G, Rabus M-T, Bastuji-Garin S, Paillaud E, Oubaya N. Promoting patients' rights at the end of life in a geriatric setting in France: The healthcare professionals' level of knowledge about surrogate decision-makers and advance directives. Patient Educ Couns. 2020;103(7):1390-1398.
Rwabihama J-P, Audureau E, Laurent M, Rakotoarisoa L, Jegou M, Saddedine S, Krypciak S, Herbaud S, Benzengli H, Segaux L, Guery E, Ambime G, Rabus M-T, Perilliat J-G, David J-P, Paillaud E. Prophylaxis of Venous Thromboembolism in Geriatric Settings: A Cluster-Randomized Multicomponent Interventional Trial. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2018;19(6):497-503.
Duguet AM, Masmoudi T, Duchier J, Rwabihama J-P, Maatoug S. Access to Care in France for Elderly Immigrants from North Africa: Influence of Socio-cultural Factors (the MATC Survey). Eur J Health Law. 2016;23(5):470-80.
Rwabihama J-P, Rabus M-T, Perilliat J-G. [Evolution of patients' rights at the end of life]. Presse Med. 2015;44(4 Pt 1):392-400.
Rwabihama J-P, Girre C, Duguet A-M. Ethics committees for biomedical research in some African emerging countries: which establishment for which independence? A comparison with the USA and Canada. J Med Ethics. 2010;36(4):243-9.
Rwabihama J-P, Aubourg R, Oliary J, Mouly S, Champion K, Leverge R, Bergmann J-F. [Use and misuse of intravenous drug administration in a department of internal medicine]. Presse Med. 2006;35(10 Pt 1):1453-60.